Dear grads: Finish streaming Bird Box, stop moisturizing with CBD, lace up your Allbirds and listen up on how to get ahead. Dressed in medieval gowns and tassels, you’ve been drowned with graduation platitudes and advice.
This year didn’t disappoint. Former CNNer Soledad O’Brien told University of Oklahoma grads, “I think what [my mother] was saying is most people are idiots, so you might be a bigger idiot if you listen to them all the time.” ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel had a surprisingly capital idea for the University of Southern California’s newly minted doctors, telling them that even though the health-care system is unfair, “you should still make a lot of money.” He added: “You deserve it for working so hard and eating so much ramen over these years. And not even the Top Ramen, the bottom ramen.” My favorite is this take on “be yourself” from the Rev. France Davis, who told applauding University of Utah graduates: “Be what you is and not what you ain’t, ’cause if you ain’t what you is, then you is what you ain’t.”
Instead, here’s my simple advice: Be a hero. You’ll have a job with a vague description. Sales. Physician assistant. Manager. Business intelligence. Everyone comes in with a task. Don’t let your job description be a straitjacket. Do something above and beyond. That’s what your employers want, whether they admit it or not.
I’ve seen it again and again. I heard from a woman named Carol working in international marketing for a Midwest company. She was asked by a superior working on a board deck for a list of European competitors. She came up with a single PowerPoint slide that visually showed the reach of each competitor overlaid with her company’s distributors and analysis of how it could best compete. The slide was a huge hit. The chief operating officer thanked her. She got a raise and more responsibilities.
On Wall Street, I used to work with a salesman named Steve. A deal to raise money for a paper company was stuck. No one would touch it at $20. It was uglier than Dunder Mifflin. Steve had a new account in Milwaukee and insisted it buy several million shares, but at $18. On hearing someone was willing to buy, other accounts piled in. Steve is still known as the guy who got the ugly deal done—a hero.
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