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September 06, 2011


Aaron Klein

Brilliant. Can't wait to score at home.


How about something directed toward restoring access to capital for small business?

Kurt Hinz jr

Excellent guide, Andy. Though most points require a breakup of a monopoly (eg. Postal Service, Government as a platform *brilliant*) or fights against special interest (eg. Sequence proteins, Free spectrum). But as a leader Obama should look at the list...

Oh and I especially like "4) Lighten backpacks" -- our kids ruin their backs, I say that as an amateur weightlifter (you know: snatch / clean & jerk)!

David, capital for small business will come automatically when unemployment drops, it just takes a little time and it requires entrepreneurs & business folks to change their mindset, adjust to the current markets, we can't always get a hand-out, just because there's a dip in the business-cycle.


According to my exploration, millions of people on our planet receive the business loans from different banks. So, there's good possibilities to receive a small business loan in every country.


great ideas

what about

Legalize Marijuna- tax it at the state and federal level. This will put profits in the hands of taxpayers and not drug dealers. It will reduces expenses for our legal system.

Remove global taxation of US Citizens-the wealthy of the world avoid the US and living here because of our global tax system. Only tax income generate in the US.

Bob Allard

Love the list, Andy. Creative, not filled with negatives or politics. Hard to argue with more productivity, better healthcare and more transparent accountability!
Looking forward to giving POTUS a high score. I'm an optimist!

Denzel Washington

I like So, there's good possibilities to receive a small business loan in every country.GOoD Luck

Ewan McGregor

David, capital for small business will come automatically when unemployment drops, it just takes a little time and it requires entrepreneurs..GooD luck

Amy Sterling Casil

Andy, most textbooks are available in digital versions. Schools and teachers just need to adapt. I'd use them in a heartbeat, especially if they would help bring down excessive textbook prices. And you know why those are so high . . . And some of those textbook companies even get authors and teachers to contribute for free! Luv all you do . . .

mattress reviews

Impressive blog! -Arron

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