Assistive Media, Inc. is providing a free download of my book How We Got Here from their webiste:
Be warned, it's a 415 MB zip file that expands into 18 mp3 files covering the 5 main sections of the book. It sounds great!
I was honored to provide the book to Assitive Media. Here is a little bit about them:
Assistive Media was the Internet's first spoken word audio service for persons with print reading/access barriers thereby opening a unique avenue of accessibility for many individuals with cognitive, physical, and communication disabilities.
Used in a variety of environmental settings (home, school, community, work place), Assistive Media provides a solution that allows individuals with disabilities access to previously inaccessible literary and in-depth journalistic materials which provides independence and integration into the mainstream of society and community life.
Assistive Media seeks to offer material that is immediate yet timeless, energetic and thoughtful, serious and funny. Assistive Media's very simple goal is to offer accessibility to good writing, a point of view, and a deeper understanding of people, communities, and cultures through the highest standards of nonprofit service.
David H. Erdody
Founder, Director, Editor-in-Chief