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February 02, 2011


Scott Daniels

So...why is it that a hard-cover version is $12.99 and the kindle version is $12.99? Shipping? Ok. I see that savings but there have been a lot of inputs reduced or eliminated with the electronic version.

Chan Chi Sang

yeh Andy why is the kindle price so damn high?
This is your blog so please RESPOND!!


Any chance for an audiobook version for this title as well as the previous one as I like to maximize the effectiveness of the daily commute? I realize Kindle can do this via a computer generated voice and while I haven't actually tried it on Kindle I have in the past listened to text transcribed via this method and it is almost unlistenable in my opinion. Thanks.

Nix Winter

I read this book at the BN today! Fantastic book :)


Kindle is $5 more expensive as I see it at amazon (hardcover costs $13.76 and kindle costs $18.71), only reason why I haven't bought the book (I'm assuming this diferential will be corrected at some point).


So, hedge fund managers are Sloppers? Who knew?

Derek Schwartz

I'm listening to the audio book on Amazon's Audible player right now. Very good, so far (1:30 into it). I also downloaded the Android version on my phone so that I can listen at lunch. They also just came out with a version of the Audible player for the Kindle, so now I'm suddenly confronted with the "need" to buy one. Sounds like an example right out of your book!

Roberto Vela

Mr. Kessler,

Phenomenal book. My only criticism is that, unless I misinterpreted you, you seem to promote completely unregulated capitalist economies without accounting for the consequences of the self-interested, myopic choices of individual actors in those economies in a world of ubiquitous access to limited resources. In theory market forces should halt depletion of a resource as it becomes scarcer, but it is also possible that unfettered use could deplete some resources before we can fully realize and allocate their value. Thus your own (very compelling) analysis of Jean-Baptise Say's notion that "supply constitutes demand," for example, undermines your contempt for environmental advocacy and, at least to me, it made your argument appear reactionary. I submit that you would have achieved even greater credibility by adopting a more moderate stance, maybe even addressing the issue of whether ANY regulation (especially if narrowly-tailored) can have social value. From a purely utilitarian, individual perspective, however, this was an insightful read, and effectively articulates many of the reasons why public distrust of corporations is irrational and unfair. Touché on your aversion to perpetuating ideas by dead economists for the sake of nostalgia.

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Euro-zone finance ministers plan to meet again this Sunday to address the Greek tragedy. But so far the only plan on the table is a doomed one by the French for the voluntary restructuring of sovereign Greek debt. Private buyers are increasingly skeptical of government guarantees and will demand real collateral. Credit default swap derivatives, which merely spread the risk, will no longer do. Some other sweetener will be needed. The solution? Bonds backed by real Greek assets.

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