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« - Czemu Bernie, czemu? | Main | NPR: Zombie Banks »

February 11, 2009



This is brilliant - not least because it would benefit me, personally, especially compared to my current job situation.

It practically brings me to tears to know, for certain, that this is absolutely the last course of action that anyone in the government would ever contemplate.

JS 1 114

Of course, that might cut out Geithner, and other Obama appointees since they haven't paid much in taxes.

Robert Dobb

Better idea. How about we ALL "fail" to pay our taxes for a couple of years, just like Timmy Geithner and Tommy Daschle did?

And everyone gets to keep all of their earnings.

Can you imagine all the stimulus that when on in the Geithner and Daschle family when those two "forgot" to pay?

Our own freshly minted Treasury Secretary admitted that he can't even work Turbo Tax!

Lee Ayres

Great idea! May need a third bank, Wells Fargo, to provide balance and Mr. Buffet on board.

Dan Orr

Such clarity of purpose!!! So rational and efficient! I sure hope your prescription is heard. It doesn't seem there's any way to avoid "bad" banks to hold all the toxic waste and I love the concept of taxpayer equity. Now everyone's favority uncle, Sam, is poised to provide taxpayers with actual "returns", but this time those returns are going in the right direction!!! Just as significantly from the government's point of view, this may actually encourage folks to do timely and accurate filings so they don't miss out on the distribution.

Allan Frances

Your plan is probably workable; however, if it does not contribute to the plan to socialize America, it won't be considered.


So when is the dollar bubble going to burst


Another fantastic post - pity you're not running the govt.

Robert Bailey

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