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« Tech Ticker: Is It Safe? | Main | Lehman = Pan Am »

September 03, 2008


Kurt Hinz jr

Hi there!

FWIW, couple of thoughts... from my personal investor's list.
[as the browser-software, this is considered beta, if not alpha]

1) Google increases its brand name, that's always a good thing.
2) Chrome could and will decrease Internet Explorer's market share.
3) Google forces Microsoft (and Apple) to spend more money and manpower on development (?)
4) Google discourages other/new companies entering the arena (?)
5) Can Chrome's JavaScript-engine become significantly faster then IE's, to boost Web-apps, can Google set new standards/patents?
6) Will it be platform-o/s-independent? (or even an O/S?)

Note: MSFT has obviously serious problems with its coding, why? Confused strategy? Projects too large?
Thought: Will Chrome be simpler and sort of slimmer, so it can run a small device, or on such a device... blackberry,phone,(bios?),whatever. Does that really matter in todays world, ie: low-cost-memory.
Question: Who has the better coders/employees, including management?

7) After victory, what is Google's intention, where're the profits?

- More desktop & mobile users, more ads
- A share of Office apps, on the web (less MS offline apps)
- Creating mobile hardware, like gX (??)

Note-1: Comfortability, cost-efficiency for companies & consumers.
Note-2: IMHO there're similarities between Google's approach & Apple's Safari...
Note-3a: Gates/Ballmer probably had a good reason for their YHOO-bid?!
Note-3b: Google interfered, reason: Monopoly-fears (sic!)...

8) When will victory be?

(Plan A) Cui bono? Who's producing what for Google, and Apple &c, who will. There'll be new technologies, ergo new Bulls. I consider Google a conglomerate, so new ideas/technology/services can be in many areas.

(Plan B) what if they fail, will this strenghten aapl/msft/al?

(X) go read Andy Kessler's blog for waterfall-seightings.

Greetings & best wishes :) Kurt

Steve P

Browsers don't "run" programs written in PHP, Perl etc. Where on earth did you get that idea?

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