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« Media 2.Uh-Oh Part 3: Virtual Pipes | Main | Media 2.Uh-Oh in a single file »

October 18, 2006



so.... basically, Media 2.0 will destroy the media market for the current owners of pipes (moguls) and leave a bunch of new moguls offering a bunch of free services.

Somehow I can't believe that there is no money to be made in media in the future. I suppose the Media 2.0 mogul will be selling ads that tie in with the niche community. Doesn't sound like anybody becoming rich to me...

Robert Young

Great series, Andy! I don't often sit at the edge of my seat reading blog posts... but you did not disappoint.

I'm very much in agreement with your overall thesis, and I'd like to expand on it... so please expect some follow-up from yours truly over at GigaOM. And thanks for pointing out my "fat belly" ;-)


* great series of posts.
* The move from vertical to horizontal is a big change. Will be interesting to see how it unfolds.
* I really like your point that it is "what you can do with the technology that makes it all interesting."
- it is so cool that so much R&D is spent on the applications these days. Much more interesting than fiber-optics.
- the sub-point to that is that this is usually when you don't want the technology to change that fast.
* Cisco spent sooooo many years evengelizing this horizontal network design. Now that it has happened ... all they have is the "stupid network" ... it is the stuff on top that is really interesting.
* telcos are in same boat -- they've got the "network" ...

Michael Brooke


really cool stuff you are take is as follows..

going wide is good if you are a mogul or aiming to be a thoughts are to go deep...

I publish a magazine on's a niche skate mag in that it is vastly different from the other skate mags out there (ie Transworld Skateboarding owned by TimeWarner)

I am doing a lot of webstuff (and have been for years)...I also do books, tv shows and DVD's. Over the years I have built up an army of customers. The items I produce, no matter what the media, are about moving my agenda forward.

Not everyone is interested in my take on skateboarding...but the deeper I go, the more fans I get. I will never compete with 250,000 circulation mags like Transworld...and frankly, I don't want to.

Smaller media guys like me will see our business flourish if we build something that is truly exceptional (which I believe I am doing). I sleep well knowing I've got no debt and I have paid my printer.

Going wide would kill's too expensive. Going deep means that I add folks the cult - these folks are truly worth their weight in gold.

I guess what I am trying to say is that less is more.


This is so laughably wrong it's hard to know where to begin. I think the biggest single howler is "Newspapers should have licensed Craigslist's (or eBay's) technology years ago".

Imagining that Craigslist has any technology which has any value just shows how lost you are. The only valuable technology Craigslist has was the decision not to use fantastically expensive general purpose solutions, opting instead to produce a 'home brew' assembly of open source parts which is awesomely productive for their specific application. The ability and guts to do this are still rare but becoming more widespread (see for example Google, PlentyofFish and Bloglines), but there is almost nothing proprietary about it.

Craigslist's valuable engineering is all social engineering, principally:

(a) understanding how to make what is essentially a proprietary Yellow Pages site sticky as hell, and

(b) understanding that a really good way to stop competition from corporates in its tracks is to ensure that the cost structure of the business, at least for several years, leaves no room whatsoever for their executives, secretaries, perks, underlings, HR departments and whatnot. The best competitors to have are people who are deadly afraid of even the possibility that they might have to compete with you!

Cheap computers and free software are giving individuals access to this sort of strategy, but the strategy is not in essence a technological one; that's not where the value lies.

This particular phase won't last forever, but for the moment the advantage lies with creative iconoclasts bent on disintermediation and willing to supply it very, very cheaply.

Mert Topcu

I really enjoyed reading this series of posts.


I think that to some extent Ajay just proved your point - the collection and aggregation of mini bits of verticle and horizontal released information compliled into a single, readable and coherent set of articles :)
The unifying of any channel of media into a format that people can both understand and access easily and quickly is the future - the exact media in question is largely irrelavent, it's the singular presentation and access that matter. More importantly, the worth (not value as such) is decided by the consumer and that will dictate the level of "stickiness" that the channel achieves.
To adapt your final line: Go wide young man but go sticky too.


Andy, I've been enjoying the series. It's good stuff to chew on for sure.

I question however how much Ajax really has to do with Web2.0. While it certainly proved a popular rallying cry, Ajax is used in very specific circumstances (often wrongly). There are also other analogous techniques that allow you the same flexibility without the cool moniker.

I think history will probably concede that RSS was the true defining moment of Web2.0. RSS for blogs was the "a-ha" moment for XML, suddenly and easily showing the power of millions of voices, loosely joined.

Since developers were driving the boat once again (in the post bubble years), RSS provided a model for what you could do with simple APIs and data sharing. Plus, let's face it, there were a lot more developers available with time on their hands willing to hack up fun little apps.

In the P2P/infrastructure sphere, I think what Amazon offers today in Web Services -- grid storage and computing -- is simply amazing. They are radically lowering the cost of processing and storage for data-intensive applications (like photo storage or video), which decreases the barriers to entry (no more massive hardware investments). That may be the final nail in democratizing the mogul club.

In any case, it'll be interesting to see how it all plays out.

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