So many companies live by the adage: “We sell what the customer wants.” No you don’t. You’re not even close. Want to know how to do it? Take an alpha geek out to lunch.
Andy Kessler: Wall Street Meat : My Narrow Escape from the Stock Market Grinder
My first book. Stories of working as a Wall Street analyst with Jack Grubman, Frank Quattrone, Mary Meeker, and Henry Blodget
Andy Kessler: Running Money : Hedge Fund Honchos, Monster Markets and My Hunt for the Big Score
New York Times Bestseller
Barron's Best Business Books 2004
Andy Kessler: How We Got Here : A Slightly Irreverent History of Technology and Markets
Connect the dots from the Industrial Revolution to the Computer and Communications business of today.
Andy Kessler: The End of Medicine: How Silicon Valley (and Naked Mice) Will Reboot Your Doctor
Can we get medicine on the same ever-lowering price curves as technology. Funny stories of my quest to figure out where silicon will change medicine.
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